A Deadly Pair: Obesity & Diabetes

The current advancements in bariatric surgery offer an open door of hope to those suffering from severe weight issues. While gastric bypass surgery is certainly an effective solution, someone considering undergoing the procedure must first recognize the illnesses leading to the need for it.

Orbicare’s network of medical experts is here to educate our patients on every aspect of not just the surgical procedure, but the illnesses leading up to the need to endure it.

Obesity and diabetes are two of the top illnesses associated with carrying an unhealthy weight. Both are extremely dangerous and, if left untreated, can lead to the demise of any patient. The two unfortunately also work together hand in hand adding to the dangerous health risks.

So what exactly is obesity and how can you determine of you are obese? Obese is a term used to describe someone whose body mass index (or BMI) is over 30, or their weight is 20% or more above normal weight. Morbid obesity n the other hand refers to being more than 100 pounds over a normal weight or having a BMI of 40+.

With more than 72 million people in the United States suffering with obesity, it is no surprise that the demand for gastric bypass surgery as a solution is on the rise. While Orbicare offers the solution of gastric bypass as a means to control weight gain by lowering the intake of food on a daily basis, it is imperative to note that along with obesity often comes another obstacle of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes specifically, is triggered by elevated fat levels in the blood. In conjunction with obesity, this increases your risk of death, not to mention an unsavory way of living. Those inflicted with such diabetes can expected a shortened lifespan of 5 to 10 years. The development of such an insulin resistance associated with Type 2 diabetes can be terrifying. As your weight increases, the risks of developing diabetes do as well.

However, if there is anything good about Type 2 diabetes and its relationship with obesity, is that as your body begins to shed weight post gastric bypass surgery, the presence of your diabetes often diminishes as well. With hard work and guidance by Orbicare’s top doctors, you will be on your way to a more rewarding life.

And remember, if you are considering gastric bypass surgery as a means of a weight loss solution, Orbicare’s medical professionals will work closely with you on an individual basis to determine an all-inclusive lifestyle plan for you. From providing vitals facts before your surgery, up until the last pound is shed, and into the future of a healthy lifestyle, Orbicare is there.

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