Orbicare’s Summer Tips: Sun & Hydration

With summer in full force and winter as a distant memory, everyone will be heading outdoors to enjoy the beautiful weather! This means it is time to prepare for the countless hours you will be enjoying under the powerful rays of the sun. We already know that sun exposure leads to wrinkles, sun spots and skin cancer…things you don’t want to be worried about as you are enjoying the much awaited summer months. So before you head outside, please consider these helpful summer tips as you spend your days relaxing by the shore or out on the water.

The Power of the Sun 

Remember! While our bodies do need the sun’s Vitamin D throughout the year, moderation is everything. Your 1 accessory when you are spending time outdoors this summer shouldn’t be your swimsuit…it should be your sunscreen! Sunscreen is imperative to protecting your skin from the damaging and skin cancer-causing UV rays of the sun.

Protect Your Skin. Be sure to apply a high, waterproof SPF sunscreen (30 of above) or sun block around 20 minutes before you are in the sun. Remember to reapply every 3 to 4 hours, especially after swimming. Always apply sunscreen all the way to the hairline. And don’t miss your back and other hard to reach areas. Have a friend or family member help you out to make sure you get full coverage. As an extra precaution, add sunscreen to the tops of your hands and to the tops of your feet, as they are typically always exposed to direct sun when wearing sandals or walking barefoot.

Protect Your Lips. It’s easy to forget just how sensitive our lips can be when exposed to too much sun! However, all it takes is one time of experiencing the pain that accompanies unprotected, burned and peeling lips to work as a very unfriendly reminder. Find a lip balm with at least an SPF 30 for proper protection and reapply as needed. 

Protect Your Scalp. Many people tend to overlook the sensitivity of their scalp after hours of sun exposure. It may sound strange, but try applying a liquid form of lip balm with SPF down the part of your hair to give your scalp some extra protection. Don’t forget, if you do not have hair, then most definitely apply SPF protection thoroughly to the entire top of your head to avoid burning. You may even opt to wear a hat while outdoors.

Protect Your Body. Nowadays there are plenty of clothing options that offer some extra shading and protection. Light weight shirts, floppy hats, visors, and other items help to filter the damaging, skin cancer causing UV rays as you are lounging poolside.

The Power of Hydration

With the rising temperatures that accompany much of the summer activities in which we participate, it is imperative to stay extremely hydrated. Keeping your body cool while out in the sun this summer will not only help you keep your energy up, but it will protect you from the dangerous side effects of dehydration, heat stroke and more. 

Drink Up. When we hear the word hydrate, we think fluids. While there are many different summertime drinks from which to choose, water will always remain the best and most beneficial to your body. Water does far more than simply hydrate our bodies. Water is essential for helping the body maintain its temperature, it aids in lubricating and cushioning joints, as well as providing protection for the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues. To ensure proper hydration, consider the following to stay cool:

Proper Intake. Start with at least 8 glasses or (8, 8 fluid ounces) of water a day. Increase your intake depending on your activity level. Feeling thirsty is your body’s way of telling you that you are already dehydrated. Avoid dehydration with the constant intake of water throughout your day.

Avoid the Sugar. Choosing water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages will do wonders for your body, not to mention your overall health. Do your best to avoid beverages with added sugars or high fructose corn syrup including fruit drinks, regular sports drinks, energy drinks and soda. Water is calorie free and sugar free and amazing for hydration.

Pre- and Post-Game Hydration. Before you head out into the heat, and both during and after outdoor and physical activities, drink up. Remember that you are losing fluids as you sweat, so be sure to replace them by drinking water during exercise or athletic performance.

On the Go. To make sure you never become hydrated, carry a water bottle for easy access during your daily routine and activities. A good idea is to try freezing some water bottles in freezer-safe bottles and carry them with you for ice-cold water all day long.

Fruit for Hydration. If you are craving something sweet, try eating more fruits and vegetables that have a high fluid content this summer. They will help contribute to nearly 20% of your body’s fluids. Plus, there are many tasty fruits and vegetables that are only in season during the summer months, so take advantage of nature’s special treats while you can!

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