Orbicare’s Summer Tips: Sun & Hydration

With summer in full force and winter as a distant memory, everyone will be heading outdoors to enjoy the beautiful weather! This means it is time to prepare for the countless hours you will be enjoying under the powerful rays of the sun. We already know that sun exposure leads to wrinkles, sun spots and skin cancer…things you don’t want to be worried about as you are enjoying the much awaited summer months. So before you head outside, please consider these helpful summer tips as you spend your days relaxing by the shore or out on the water.

The Power of the Sun 

Remember! While our bodies do need the sun’s Vitamin D throughout the year, moderation is everything. Your 1 accessory when you are spending time outdoors this summer shouldn’t be your swimsuit…it should be your sunscreen! Sunscreen is imperative to protecting your skin from the damaging and skin cancer-causing UV rays of the sun.

Protect Your Skin. Be sure to apply a high, waterproof SPF sunscreen (30 of above) or sun block around 20 minutes before you are in the sun. Remember to reapply every 3 to 4 hours, especially after swimming. Always apply sunscreen all the way to the hairline. And don’t miss your back and other hard to reach areas. Have a friend or family member help you out to make sure you get full coverage. As an extra precaution, add sunscreen to the tops of your hands and to the tops of your feet, as they are typically always exposed to direct sun when wearing sandals or walking barefoot.

Protect Your Lips. It’s easy to forget just how sensitive our lips can be when exposed to too much sun! However, all it takes is one time of experiencing the pain that accompanies unprotected, burned and peeling lips to work as a very unfriendly reminder. Find a lip balm with at least an SPF 30 for proper protection and reapply as needed. 

Protect Your Scalp. Many people tend to overlook the sensitivity of their scalp after hours of sun exposure. It may sound strange, but try applying a liquid form of lip balm with SPF down the part of your hair to give your scalp some extra protection. Don’t forget, if you do not have hair, then most definitely apply SPF protection thoroughly to the entire top of your head to avoid burning. You may even opt to wear a hat while outdoors.

Protect Your Body. Nowadays there are plenty of clothing options that offer some extra shading and protection. Light weight shirts, floppy hats, visors, and other items help to filter the damaging, skin cancer causing UV rays as you are lounging poolside.

The Power of Hydration

With the rising temperatures that accompany much of the summer activities in which we participate, it is imperative to stay extremely hydrated. Keeping your body cool while out in the sun this summer will not only help you keep your energy up, but it will protect you from the dangerous side effects of dehydration, heat stroke and more. 

Drink Up. When we hear the word hydrate, we think fluids. While there are many different summertime drinks from which to choose, water will always remain the best and most beneficial to your body. Water does far more than simply hydrate our bodies. Water is essential for helping the body maintain its temperature, it aids in lubricating and cushioning joints, as well as providing protection for the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues. To ensure proper hydration, consider the following to stay cool:

Proper Intake. Start with at least 8 glasses or (8, 8 fluid ounces) of water a day. Increase your intake depending on your activity level. Feeling thirsty is your body’s way of telling you that you are already dehydrated. Avoid dehydration with the constant intake of water throughout your day.

Avoid the Sugar. Choosing water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages will do wonders for your body, not to mention your overall health. Do your best to avoid beverages with added sugars or high fructose corn syrup including fruit drinks, regular sports drinks, energy drinks and soda. Water is calorie free and sugar free and amazing for hydration.

Pre- and Post-Game Hydration. Before you head out into the heat, and both during and after outdoor and physical activities, drink up. Remember that you are losing fluids as you sweat, so be sure to replace them by drinking water during exercise or athletic performance.

On the Go. To make sure you never become hydrated, carry a water bottle for easy access during your daily routine and activities. A good idea is to try freezing some water bottles in freezer-safe bottles and carry them with you for ice-cold water all day long.

Fruit for Hydration. If you are craving something sweet, try eating more fruits and vegetables that have a high fluid content this summer. They will help contribute to nearly 20% of your body’s fluids. Plus, there are many tasty fruits and vegetables that are only in season during the summer months, so take advantage of nature’s special treats while you can!

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Australians Undergoing Surgery For Weight Loss Triples In Five Years

More proof that the ever-growing presence of obesity and using bariatric surgery as a solution is reaching all around the world is depicted in a new article published by TheAdvertiser.com out of Australia.

The Obesity Surgery Society says the issue of obesity costs $8 billion per year and is one of the country’s biggest health concerns. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, about 25% of adults and about 8% of children in Australia are obese.

Wendy Brown, who is the president of The Obesity Surgery Society of Australia and New Zealand, said the popularity of procedures such as lap bands was likely to continue to rise but warned it was not a quick fix. The society estimates only about 5% to 7% of obese Australians would benefit from weight loss surgery, which can cost between $10,000 and $20,000.

The surge in operations, mostly lap band procedures, has prompted the establishment of an interrelationship (or Trans Tasman) registry between Australia and New Zealand to monitor the safety and effectiveness of the procedures. The registry, which is currently being piloted in Victoria, would also track the impact of procedures on obesity-related health conditions including Type 2 Diabetes. Bariatric surgeons use banding to reduce the capacity of the patient’s stomach. Most operations are performed in private hospitals depending on the procedure and surgeon and private health insurance rebates.

University of Adelaide Professor of Surgery Guy Maddern states, “Many people save up and have the procedure done, but then the complications are addressed in the public system. Weight loss surgery was known to be the most effective tool in beating the bulge. It’s also about lifestyle changes which are really difficult to do,” he said.

Medical tourism continues to play a very positive role in the obesity epidemic. With Orbicare providing such surgeries at highly accredited facilities located throughout Spain and South America, patients can link the aspect of travel to an exciting destination with the high-end quality care and treatment they would receive at home. Contact Orbicare to hear more about the opportunities offered at (888) 398-1355 or log onto http://www.orbicare.net.

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FDA Approves 3rd Silicone-Gel Breast Implant

Exciting news in the world of breast augmentation as Health Day News reports a new, silicone-gel breast implant has received conditional approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This new implant is designed to be used for breast augmentation in women 22 and older, as well as for breast tissue reconstruction at any age.

One of the top procedures Orbicare’s medical travel clients undergo is often breast augmentation, whether elective or needed for reconstruction due to an illness. Our skilled surgeons and medical professionals at our facilities in South America and Spain continue to rank as at the top in regards to the safety of procedures and client recovery.

Dr. William Maisel, deputy director for science in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health said, “Data on these and other approved silicone-gel filled breast implants continue to demonstrate a reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness.”

Silicone gel implants were once banned in the United States for 14 years, until 2006 when the FDA approved the ones made by Allergan and Mentor for breast reconstructive surgery and for breast enlargement in women 22 and older. When the ban was lifted, the FDA noted that there was not sufficient data on adverse effects, including what the agency called “rare events” and “long-term performance.” The agency then required the manufacturers to do studies on the implants’ safety and performance after their approval.

After a two-day hearing last September, the FDA ruled that silicone implants were safe and could remain on the market. The agency said that it would work with manufacturers of the devices approved for use to improve studies gauging the health of women who received the implants.

For inquiries regarding breast augmentation or reconstruction, please visit Orbicare’s website at www.orbicare.net or call us toll free at (888) 398-1355. One of our highly-trained professionals will happily answer any questions you may have and get you on your way to enjoying all of the benefits as one of our medical tourism clients.

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Study Reveals Nine Out of Ten Medical Travel Patients Would Do It Again

A new, major study released on PR.com reveals the latest trends in travelling abroad for medical treatment, be it for health-related, dental, infertility, obesity or cosmetic treatment or surgery. More than 1,000 patients took part in the study, the largest of its kind in the UK and Europe.

In recent years, increasing numbers of patients in developed countries such as the UK and USA have been opting to travel to other countries to save on the cost of treatment within their own country or to avoid waiting lists associated with certain procedures. 

Keith Pollard, Managing Director of Treatment Abroad commented, “I’ve been involved in the cosmetic surgery and medical sector for many years and have witnessed the rapid growth in travel for surgery and treatment. So often overseas treatment is portrayed as being a poor alternative to and yet it’s clear from this survey that that is simply not true. The vast majority of people who go overseas for treatment are delighted with the not only with the experience and the levels of care but also with the results, be it medical or cosmetic – and that, for most people, is the most important thing – that they get the results they want and need.”

This research study, funded by Intuition Communication, was conducted to determine medical tourists’ motivations and experiences, as well as to be used as a tool to provide the industry with feedback on how well it is delivering treatment and services to these patients. Among the findings are new statistics showing what procedures clients are having done, how much they’re saving and whether they’d do it again or recommend it to others.

Some of the key findings are listed below:

  • Nine out of ten respondents would definitely or probably go abroad for treatment again and the same number would recommend going abroad for treatment to a friend or relative. 84% would go back to the same doctor, dentist or clinic. 
  • 51% of respondents travelled to a country they had never been to before for their treatment. 
  • Patient satisfaction levels for their treatment abroad were high with 85% either “very” or “quite” satisfied with their experience. Levels of satisfaction were highest for infertility and dental treatments. Asked for reasons for their satisfaction, all respondents cited professionalism of staff, price and quality of care.
  • Cost was cited by 83% of participants as the most important reason for travelling abroad for treatment. Dental patients also cited the ability to combine treatment with a holiday while cosmetic surgery patients cited worries about hospital infection in the UK. Orthopedic, infertility and obesity surgery patients all cited the ability to avoid waiting lists at home.
    The greatest savings were seen to have been for dental and orthopedic treatment. 
  • 82% of respondents said that clinic or hospital staff spoke their language “very” or “extremely” well. Only 4.4% said staff spoke their language “not at all well,” a regularly-cited concern of those thinking of treatment overseas. 
  • More than two thirds (67.2%) said they did not require further treatment or follow up on returning home. Seven out of ten were contacted by their overseas clinician or clinic upon their return home, usually by email.
  • The average in-patient stay among respondents was just three days with the average trip length being 16 days. The longest stay was for orthopedic patients, the shortest for obesity patients.

Orbicare’s strong presence in the medical tourism industry offers its clients the very same positive above-mentioned results found in the study. With accredited healthcare facilities across South America and Spain, staffed with only the very best, highly-qualified doctors and surgeons, Orbicare continues to grow as the premium choice for medical travel. Contact us at www.orbicare.net or call toll free (888) 398-1355.

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Mitral Valve Leak Repair During Heart Bypass Found Beneficial For Moderate Cases

USNews.com reports that using heart bypass operations as a remedy to fix even mild to moderate cases of leaky mitral valves is beneficial.

A new study discusses that while surgeons typically have repaired only severely leaking mitral valves during bypass operations, the procedure to repair the valves, which separate the upper and lower chambers of the heart and can become leaky if their flaps don’t fully close, perhaps shouldn’t be so limited.

The study analyzed patients with a functional ischemic mitral regurgitation. Researchers gave medical tests to 60 patients and randomly assigned them either to receive a bypass operation or receive both a bypass and have their moderately leaky mitral valves repaired. The researchers then tested the patients one year after the procedures. 

Those who had the combined surgery had a threefold increase in exercise capacity and their hearts were an average of about 24% smaller and moving toward a normal size. This was compared with 10% in those who only had a bypass procedure. Blood tests also revealed that the hearts of patients who had both procedures appeared to be less strained. 

Researchers found that fixing the leak possibly adds surgery time, as well as time on the bypass machine, which may affect rates of postoperative stroke, heart attack or death. These effects are still being carefully weighed and balanced against a longer-term improvement in functional capacity.

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New York’s United Memorial Medical Center To Host Diabetes Awareness Event

In an effort to raise awareness on the dangers and health risks associated with diabetes, the United Memorial Medical Center will host a community education event called Diabetes Alert! The event will be held on April 17, 2012.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the event which will feature key note speakers, presentations from dieticians, as well as information of diabetes management, prevention and solutions.

According to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 8.3% of the United States population has diabetes, and out of that percentage, 28% are undiagnosed and untreated. 

Since diabetes is a condition that results when the body fails to efficiently use the hormone insulin, the excess sugar that is build up in the blood can turn deadly if left untreated. Those with diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, are also at risk for a number of other health complications such as heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, depression and lower extremity amputations. The CDC reports that diabetes is the seventh-leading cause of death in the United States.

The Diabetes Alert! annual educational event is an effective tool offered by United Memorial, which provides a number of services to the community for chronic disease management relating to diabetes, including a diabetes self-management course held several times throughout the year. The multi-session course is typically covered by most insurance plans and provides participants with a number of ways to manage their illness with medication if necessary, and healthy lifestyle changes to their diet and physical activity. 

TheDailyNewsOnline.com reports that those seeking more information on attending the event or on participating in diabetes self-management courses should contact Healthy Living at (585) 344-5331. 

Orbicare’s specialized medical travel programs are geared to offer only the highest-quality, all around experience available to you. For more information on Orbicare’s role in the elimination of Type 2 Diabetes via gastric bypass surgery, please contact us by dialing toll free (888) 398-1355 or by visiting http://www.orbicare.net.

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High-Fat Food Linked To Inflammation In Type 2 Diabetics

A new study posted by US News & World Report, has found that high-fat meals may actually boost inflammation in people with Type 2 Diabetes. The danger is noted that such inflammation is associated with many diabetes-related complications, such as heart disease.

The study, which included 54 people, 15 of whom were obese, 12 with impaired glucose tolerance (pre-diabetes), 18 with Type 2 Diabetes, and 9 healthy and not obese –all ate a high-fat meal after an overnight fast.

Levels of endotoxins in the participants’ blood before and after they ate, were evaluated. Results indicated that 100% of the participants had elevated endotoxin levels after eating the fatty meal, but levels in those with Type 2 Diabetes were significantly higher than in the healthy, non-obese people.

These findings suggest one way that obesity and Type 2 Diabetes can lead to inflammatory damage in blood vessels and other tissues. It may also help scientists develop new ways to prevent this damage. The gastric bypass surgery available to Orbicare clients, remains a promising answer in the elimination of Type 2 Diabetes. Together with lifestyle changes and the adaptation of the newest technological advances, Orbicare is able to offer this life-saving procedure to our medical travel clients.

Alison Harte, a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Warwick in England, commented on the study in which she led:

“High-fat, low-carbohydrate diets are often promoted to patients with Type 2 Diabetes as they have been suggested to aid weight loss and control blood sugar, but if confirmed in larger studies, our data show that being healthy is not just about losing weight, as these particular diets could increase inflammation in some patients and with it the risk of heart disease,” she said.

The next phase of research will be geared toward understanding the effects of small, frequent meals versus large, infrequent meals on endotoxin levels in Type 2 diabetics, as well as finding out the effects of meals of different fat and carbohydrate contents.

For more information on the ways Orbicare can assist in the elimination of your Type 2 Diabetes, please contact us by logging on to http://www.orbicare.net or by calling toll free (888) 398-1355.

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New Band Aid Laser Technique Offers Better Results, Less Downtime

The site Healthcareglobal.com is reporting an exciting new innovation in facial rejuvenation. For those patients seeking firmer more youthful skin with less downtime post surgery, there is now a new option available.

Atlanta board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John LeRoy has developed what has been coined the Band Aid Facelift. The procedure, which utilizes DOT laser therapy, works to emit tiny columns of laser light that perforate the sagging dermal tissue of the treatment area.

The Band Aid Facelift technique takes advantage of the body’s healing response and stimulates collagen production within the skin for a tighter, more youthful appearance with far more minimal downtime than other current procedures. It is also is performed as an in-office surgery with only gentle numbing.

Dr. LeRoy has also developed other Band Aid procedures like Band Aid Tummy Tuck, Band Aid Blepharoplasty, and Band Aid Liposuction to help address isolated cosmetic issues of the face and body.

Says LeRoy, “Band Aid Laser Treatment is ideal for those patients who’ve had previous facial plastic surgery and want to rejuvenate their results. It’s a flexible procedure that not only improves skin tightness, but also helps reduce the appearance of those issues that continue to present themselves with age, including sun spots, acne scars, and surface imperfections.”

The adjustable settings of the Band Aid Laser make the treatment safe and effective for patients of all ages while addressing each patient’s individual areas of concern. While this cutting-edge facial rejuvenation procedure is just getting underway, it is expected to make its way into the offices of reputable surgeons worldwide.

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American Diabetes Association Announces Scientific Sessions For June 2012

Keeping a strong focus on finding a cure for diabetes, the American Diabetes Association announced that its Scientific Sessions will be holding their 72nd conference June 8-12 in Philadelphia, PA.

According to a Newswire press release, more than 13,000 scientists, physicians and other expert health care professionals from around the world are expected to attend. The roll of this year’s sessions is to enable healthcare professionals to share cutting-edge research, treatment recommendations and advances toward a cure for diabetes.

Orbicare’s medical experts remain on top of both the cutting edge treatments, as well as advancements of this deadly disease. Our doctors practicing throughout South America and Spain continue to offer effective solutions to aid in the dramatic improvement of diabetes, such as metabolic surgery, proven to be successful in countless patients.

With nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States suffering from diabetes, the ADA estimates that without making progress towards a cure, the total cost of diagnosed diabetes in the US alone will easily pass the current $174 billion price tag.

Please contact one of Orbicare’s team members for more information, and to see help you determine if you are a good candidate for the metabolic surgery.

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Costa Rica Ranks High As Medical Tourism Destination

With growing health care costs in the United States over recent years, more and more patients are opting to investigate and utilize the possibilities and benefits offered by medical tourism.

Orbicare’s strong presence in Costa Rica allows for our patients to take advantage of all that medical tourism has to offer in this sought after destination.

A new report from InsideCostaRica.com indicates that Costa Rican health providers are noting an increased level of patients over the last year in particular. These internationally-accredited medical and dental providers can save patients 30% to 70% over climbing prices in the United States.

Some of the most popular medical procedures patients have undergone in Costa Rica include knee and hip replacements, meniscus repairs, gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. Plastic surgeons are reporting cosmetic surgeries such as breast implants, face-lifts, tummy tucks and liposuction continue to rise in demand. Dental care has always been popular in the medical tourism realm, as the savings for dental care for implants, crowns and veneers are impressive.

The costs include working with the finest private hospitals and physicians in Costa Rica, paired with the luxury of recovery in only the highest quality accommodations.

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