Australians Undergoing Surgery For Weight Loss Triples In Five Years

More proof that the ever-growing presence of obesity and using bariatric surgery as a solution is reaching all around the world is depicted in a new article published by out of Australia.

The Obesity Surgery Society says the issue of obesity costs $8 billion per year and is one of the country’s biggest health concerns. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, about 25% of adults and about 8% of children in Australia are obese.

Wendy Brown, who is the president of The Obesity Surgery Society of Australia and New Zealand, said the popularity of procedures such as lap bands was likely to continue to rise but warned it was not a quick fix. The society estimates only about 5% to 7% of obese Australians would benefit from weight loss surgery, which can cost between $10,000 and $20,000.

The surge in operations, mostly lap band procedures, has prompted the establishment of an interrelationship (or Trans Tasman) registry between Australia and New Zealand to monitor the safety and effectiveness of the procedures. The registry, which is currently being piloted in Victoria, would also track the impact of procedures on obesity-related health conditions including Type 2 Diabetes. Bariatric surgeons use banding to reduce the capacity of the patient’s stomach. Most operations are performed in private hospitals depending on the procedure and surgeon and private health insurance rebates.

University of Adelaide Professor of Surgery Guy Maddern states, “Many people save up and have the procedure done, but then the complications are addressed in the public system. Weight loss surgery was known to be the most effective tool in beating the bulge. It’s also about lifestyle changes which are really difficult to do,” he said.

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