LASER NIL System Revolutionizing Traditional Liposuction Procedure

A recent interview with has Beverly Hills surgeon Dr. Aaron Rollins praising the new FDA approved NIL laser liposuction procedure. The FDA approved procedure has proven in high demand among patients seeking a far less invasive form of liposuction surgery than that of regular liposuction, but with even better results.

The LASER NIL or Nutational Liposculpture, is a combination of tickle Lipo and laser Lipo, more commonly known as Smart Lipo. This tremendous new technology allows for amazing results with no needles or even a scalpel. Patients no longer have to be placed under anesthesia, allowing for a faster recovery process.

Dr. Rollins explained the process of the LASER NIL and its effectiveness for patients seeking to eliminate stubborn areas of fat within the body unable to be corrected with regular exercise.

“The effectiveness of the laser allows it to literally dissolve fat tissue,” he said. “Fat is melted and skin is tightened with the Smart Lipo laser and then the NIL system removes and liquefies the fat. The NIL system allows us to use the smallest cannula, or fat sucking tube, and therefore cause the least trauma to the body while getting the smoothest result.”

This new also system allows patients to see results sooner and have far less downtime. The average patient can expect to be back at work within 48 hours.

One of the biggest differences between a Liposculpture procedure and regular Liposuction is that the former is less invasive and less traumatic to the patient, and designed to refine a feature versus bulk fat removal for weight loss purposes. Patients have seen results far sooner than with other systems, sometimes in as soon as one week!

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